Williamstown Botanical Gardens
Nestled by the sea, complete with rare and significant trees, a formal palm avenue and a charming Edwardian ornamental pond amongst its...

Throwing confetti at your wedding
Will there be confetti at your wedding? Throwing confetti as a newly wed couple exits their wedding is an age-old wedding tradition. The...

Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue
I remember this little verse growing up “ Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” but for the life of me, I...

The all important Wedding Dress
We all know that one of the important aspects about the wedding is the dress. Let’s be honest, woman tend to dream about what they will...

10 things every bride should know before she goes wedding shopping
Wedding dress shopping is not a simple task. Fortunately, a little preparation will help you with your search, and make the experience...

St Kilda Botanical Gardens
Registered with Heritage Victoria, the gardens contain 810 mature tree specimens eight of which are on the significant tree register. In...

Carlton Gardens
The Royal Exhibition Building and surrounding Carlton Gardens are World Heritage listed. The gardens feature flowerbeds, ornamental...