LGBT Wedding Trends For 2018
Love is love, no matter where you look, and this year Australia has confirmed that universal adage in a big way. All across the country,...

Melbourne's Best Venues for a Perfect Summer Wedding
There’s something special about summertime weddings; from the dazzling sunshine and clear blue skies, to the bursts of fantastic colour...

Innovative Wedding Invitation Trends for 2018
A well-designed wedding invitation gives guests their first tantalizing glimpse of your upcoming wedding day. While they might seem like...

Got Guests with Dietary Restrictions? These Tips will Help!
From cake designs and catering, to appetizers and cocktails; planning a tasty wedding menu can a deceptively complicated task. There are...

The Best Australian Destinations for a Perfect Honeymoon
The build up to a wedding can be a stressful time for even the most laid-back couple. In the weeks leading up to the nuptials, every...

Decoration Tips to Make a Fabulous Gay Wedding
Wedding fever is alive and well amongst Australia’s LGBT communities, as gay couples throughout the country get ready to take advantage...

Tips to Make Your LGBT Wedding One That Guests Will Love
The fight is over and love has won. For same-sex couples across Australia, it’s finally okay to celebrate their love in the most...

5 LGBT Wedding Trends for the New Year
It’s an extremely happy new year for LGBT couples across Australia; with the recent passing of same-sex marriage legislation in the...

Choose the Right Rings For Your LGBT Wedding
The votes are in and the results are overwhelming, love has won in Australia. Love is in the air, in a big way, and same-sex couples...

Everything You Need to Know About Choosing the Right Engagement Ring
If you’ve made up your mind and decided to pop the question to your long-term partner, then November’s historic yes vote offers the...